Ancient Festival recreating various episodes of the daily routine of Tracians and Romans. Demonstrations of military tehniques, slave market, ancient martial arts.
Ancient Festival recreating various episodes of the daily routine of Tracians and Romans. Demonstrations of military tehniques, slave market, ancient martial arts.
Ancient Festival recreating various episodes of the daily routine of Tracians and Romans. Demonstrations of military tehniques, slave market, ancient martial arts.
Various knight shields
Ancient Festival recreating various episodes of the daily routine of Tracians and Romans. Demonstrations of military tehniques, slave market, ancient martial arts.
Ancient Festival recreating various episodes of the daily routine of Tracians and Romans. Demonstrations of military tehniques, slave market, ancient martial arts.
Ancient Festival recreating various episodes of the daily routine of Tracians and Romans. Demonstrations of military tehniques, slave market, ancient martial arts.
Military costume
Blacksmith blows furs
Smiths blows furs
Ancient Festival recreating various episodes of the daily routine of Tracians and Romans. Demonstrations of military tehniques, slave market, ancient martial arts.
Ancient Festival recreating various episodes of the daily routine of Tracians and Romans. Demonstrations of military tehniques, slave market, ancient martial arts.
Statue of lion in the park of Peles castle, Romania
Woman looking far away, over a white background
Woman looking far away, over a white background
Medical element
Medical element
Medical element
Medical element
Medical element
Medical element
Medical element
Medical element
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Modern car
Modern white car
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Modern car
Modern red car
Modern grey car